Saturday, July 5, 2008

Chinese Antiterror Unit

Here are a couple of nice pictures I found of a Chinese Anti-terror Cavalry Unit. I guess it would be helpful for chasing terrorists down the runway or any other flat paved area so you don't get tired and have plenty of energy to wrestle with them. Maybe it makes the bad guys collapse laughing and you can just bring them in.

I found these photos on the xinhua website a couple of days ago.

1 comment:

Tanat said...

That's hilarious! Well, I was eating lunch at the big shopping mall the other day out where I live (some sort of Chinese food - not relevant to the story), when this girl came scooting out of one of the fast-food places in the dining section on one of those things. She rolled all across the dining area to go to the little back hall where they have offices. I was wondering why she couldn't just walk. And then, right after that, one of the Mall security guards came rolling along on one of the same devices, his badge flashing under the flourescent lights. Somebody should make up a bumper sticker: "They're everywhere!" Looks like you're having a good time over there catching the natives up to their tricks.