These pictures don't really fit together, but I am going to put them in here anyway. The picture of what I assume is supposed to be eau de toilet is one of my favorite pictures ever, and needs no explaination.
I found it in someone's bathroom. If you don't know why its funny, look closer for the English writing on it.
The brand name is "Snake gall bladder"
The next two pictures sort of make me angry, so if you don't want to read a bunch of rightously indignant crap, then just skip it.
I am usually not very sensitive about culturally insensitive people, but the hypocracy of the chinese in their cultural insensitivity is just disgusting.
I have also added a nice picture of a jacket with a swastica on it. The swastica is an indian symbol that made its way to china along with buddhism. It is also a chinese character with the pronounciation 'wan.'
However, this symbol is not usually common outside of temples and religious paraphenalia.
I once saw a shirt in Tianjin that was on someones back so i didn't get to read the whole thing, but it went on about how Hitler was an effeminate man and a great dictator. the color scheme was black and red on a white t-shirt with a large swastica on the front.
This Grand Dragon wine is kind of silly by itself, but combined with the China famous brands logo visible on the lower right hand side of the bottle, which is just a sorry excuse to put the Schutzstaffel SS logo on as many things as humanly possible, it becomes another example of perhaps inadvertent white power fetishism.
When one explains to a Chinese person the history of the symbol, they immediately tune out, or more frequently change the subject immediately.
I didn't actually become angry until I was watching a korean drama on TV (dubbed in Chinese of course) and I caught a really hilarious joke. A character on the show farted and then someone else said, "It smells worse in here than one of those rooms they used to gas the Jews."
I am aware of the fact that there are many people that make holocaust jokes in the US and Europe. This strikes me as so much worse because the Chinese and Koreans are always whining about how the Japanese mistreated them during the war, but feel free to make fun of the Jews. I haven't seen hypocracy this blatant in a long time.
I also love how you can see all sorts of TV advertisements about how nice the Chinese are in the dealings with the Dark Continent, and then when you talk to people in the street they tell you how ugly black people are or, frequently "We hate black people." One nice person seeing how I balked a little after he asked me didn't I think black people were incedibly ugly too said "in America you think we're even uglier than black people." I balked even more at that one, and he would probably just think I was trying to be super diplomatic if I told him I don't think any race of people is ugly as a whole. I do make a point to tell people that hating black people is wrong and that we don't hate black people in America. I know its kind of a lie, but a more subtle didactic is wasted effort. A point is only gotten across by unflagging repetition and the law of Volume makes Right.
Did you quit blogging?
I was kind of hoping you would pontificate on the meaning of "snake gall-bladder" as the name of this parfum. Is this a man's eau de toilette, or a woman's? Just wondering how the snakes fit in, and what's so exciting about gall-bladders. Any ethnographic insights?
I actually don't know if it was for a man or a woman. The snake, a reptile common in China is often captured and small ones are used to make snake wine where snakes are introduced into a bottle of liquor and then it is stored for about a year. often, when one goes to a restaurant and orders a snake, it is fresh killed, gutted, and the snake gall bladder is squeezed into a glass of snake wine which the guest to honor then drinks. It is supposed to be good for the eyes and I think snakes are supposed to improve male virility as well. So maybe the "toilet water" was intended for a man's toilet.
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