Monday, January 7, 2008

Chinese Signs Continued

"Stay far way from drugs"

"Believe in Jesus and obtain the blessing of everlasting life"

"Three generations of the ancestors of those who defecate or urinate here were born of dogs. The dumping of garbage is forbidden."

This sign is one I saw in 'the bureau for leaving and entering the national borders,' which issues passports. This sign was part of a series of signs telling true stories of the woes of those who attempt to illegeal immigration. The headline of this particular story reads "Foreign countries are not heaven." Almost all of the stories are about people who went to Russia and then entered the Ukraine illegally at which point they were held for ransom, beaten and raped. They are then finally released and make their way back to the motherland, usually crippled for life. I took a picture of this one because the illustration was particularly good. I guess its really not that funny, but its also pretty much what I would expect if I were foolish enough to venture anywhere near the Ukraine.

"Looking For a Fat Girlfriend 24-37 years old"

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